Launched in 2023 by two college buddies, Frankie V and Sean B, Philly Loaded aims to bring you a steady stream of Philadelphia sports, beer, and pop culture news with loaded takes. Both Frank and Sean are lifelong Philadelphia sports fans who’ve been friends since attending Drexel University together in the early 2000s. This site was born out of the pain both felt following the Eagles’ loss to the Chiefs in Super Bowl LVII.
The goal of this site isn’t to be a breaking news website but rather to bring a very Philly spin on the latest happenings of the Eagles, Sixers, and Phillies as of launch. You may notice the Flyers and Union not being included in the mix here and it’s not because we don’t have love for the local hockey and soccer clubs. It’s just that neither sport are really our forte so we felt we’d do those teams a disservice by trying to cover them.
Our goal is to provide our own takes in a very crowded sports market that already has a number of great sources of content. Join us on this journey.